In considering this undertaking, make sure you can afford the expense of a dog and the investment of time to properly train your service dog. Taking an extended leave from work to train might be a strong consideration. It could be the difference between having a best friend for life and having an animal that just lives with you. It Is important that you find a trainer that will give you a lesson plan (road map to get to your end goal). Do the research yourself if you can’t locate a trainer…watch videos on YouTube or movies to become more informed about what tools are available to train your service dog. You need to honestly test your puppy’s mental abilities to learn and retain information. You need to ideally spend 15 minutes per day on brain exercises and but remember that your puppy needs to sleep for 3 or 4 hours at a stretch as they tire easily. After a nap time, you need start the training again. This cycle repeats throughout the day.